The EIA States That,

“Renewable energy incentives and falling technology costs support robust competition with natural gas as coal and nuclear power decrease in the electricity mix.”
Hydroelectricity accounts for a small but important segment within the renewable energy sector. However, it has been hampered by traditional methods of creating new dams on rivers or lakes for a generation. Yet the ocean has enough potential to power up to 400% of global energy-consumption needs, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency, and our solution aims to push those limits and provide clean energy for all.

Helping Smart Companies With Better Integrated Kinetic Energy

At Sea or Lakeside, MKE “Deep Water Power Plants” generate electricity by way of hydrokinetic energy obtained from PSI pressure at ocean depths!

Our Energy System is sustainable and doesn’t experience intermittency. PSI water pressure at ocean depths is constant & extremely reliable.

Marine Kinetic Energy Power Plants leverages pressurized air and gravity, allowing ocean water through tubes into a patented Sphere Enclosure Vehicle (SEV). This results in extreme PSI that propels a turbine generator—generating continual electricity for a nearby power storage or distribution center. SEV can be deployed nearly anywhere with sufficient ocean depth. The SEV is connected to a nearby onshore power center delivering generated electricity to the grid.

Marine Kinetic Energy offers scalable solutions.

We design and deploy land-based power plants and power systems that can easily be deployed in vehicles, trucks, ships, vessels, rail systems, buildings, factories, hospitals, houses, Military, DOD, DOE, and FEMA.

No Carbon Footprint. A sustainable future.

Our technology ensures sustainability with low visual impact. We use water pressure and air as a primary source of power generation. The build takes place off-site and is dropped or field deployed in its local environment. Our systems only have a small impact on the local systems and do not require major environmental disruption.